2023 CROP Walk

  10th Anniversary! 25% of funds raised stays local (Food for Thought, Champlain Islands Food Shelf) 75% is distributed in U.S. (example is the kits sent to Springfield) and around the globe for relief from hunger & food insecurities. We continue to fight against disease, disaster, displacement and other challenges that leave people hungry. CROP ... [Read more...]

Collecting Items for those in need…

Congregational Church in South Hero

The October Missions Collection is winter hats, gloves, mittens to be distributed locally. All sizes from child to adult welcome. Drop off in the narthex bin.

Annual Stewardship Drive

October 8th – November 12th Brochures and pledge cards have been mailed or given out. Pledges are important tools to help us plan our budgets & needs for 2024. Online pledging is easy too. Thank you! If you have any questions, let us know. http://cuts2.com/zMpAc

Taizé returns to St. Paul’s Cathedral in Burlington

All are Welcome! Taizé, with its Meditation, Silence, Candlelight and “music that never ends” will again happen at St. Paul’s! Please share this post with friends, perhaps offering to bring them with you! Parking is FREE on Sundays...

Breakfast Church & Vote

Congregational Church in South Hero

Join us for Breakfast as... The Members of the Congregational Church of South Hero, UCC are warned that a vote will be held on Sunday, October 29 in the Max Reader Fellowship Hall, following worship service for the purpose of affirming the members of the Search Committee to find a replacement for Pastor Cordelia Burpee, ... [Read more...]

Salvation Army Bell Ringing – signups begin soon!

Never too early to set aside some time to ring the bell to directly benefit our local communities. This year we will be ringing at Keelers Bay Variety, Emmons Market and perhaps a surprise PopUp Kettle at a few other local spots. Bell ringing will take place weekends beginning the day after Thanksgiving and running ... [Read more...]

2023 Annual Meeting – Potluck Brunch

Congregational Church in South Hero

The Annual meeting will be preceded by a potluck brunch at 10:45 am. Everyone, member or not, is invited to attend.

2023 Annual Meeting

Congregational Church in South Hero

The Members of the Congregational Church of South Hero, UCC are warned that the Annual Meeting of the Congregational Church of South Hero, UCC will be held at 11:30 am on Sunday, January 28, 2024 in the Max Reader Fellowship Hall.

Holy Week Events

Congregational Church in South Hero

Palm Sunday March 24 & Maundy Thursday March 28 - 6:30 p.m.

Easter Sunday

Congregational Church in South Hero

March 31 Easter Sunrise Service at 6:30 a.m. - Traditional Easter Worship service follows at 9:30am (Our Easter Sunrise service is held on Sweeney Hill on Town Line Road overlooking Lake Champlain Remember to dress appropriately)   Welcome all!