Our Team

Great people work here!

Rev. Cordelia Burpee has been pastor of the Congregational Church of South Hero since September 2010. Prior to entering the ministry, she worked for the Illinois Arts Council and several community organizations in Illinois and Ohio – including  a decade at the Public Library of Mount Vernon, Ohio and a storyteller. She has a MDiv from the Methodist Theological School in Ohio and a MA in Community Arts Administration from the University of Illinois, Springfield. She has two grown children, both musicians. She lives with Maggie, a tiny calico cat who remains intent on world domination..

Margaret Nowak began working at the church in 2004.  As office administrator she is responsible for a wide variety of managerial, technical, clerical and support tasks.  Margaret is the face of CCSH, creating a welcoming environment for those visiting and reaching out to our church.

Born in Vermont, her journey has included college graduation in the 1970s, marriage, three children and now grandchildren.  Margaret has resided in seven states with a varied career in clothing/textiles, stay at home mom, Scout leader, school volunteer, retail, banking, and eventually a return to Vermont as a caregiver for her mom. She enjoys vegetable gardening and cooking, reading and sewing . Recognizing the importance and need for community of family, friends and church, Margaret is dedicated to promoting the missions and goals of CCSH. 

Boards that organize our Church

Different groups are responsible for day to day operation and maintenance, philanthropic efforts, worship, financial stewardship and Christian Education. We serve 3 year terms on Boards of Trustees, Deacons, Missions, Christian Ed & Treasurer. Anyone may attend a board meeting. If you wish to talk about something pertinent to that board, contact the board chair to be put on the agenda. Your thoughts & concerns are always important!

TRUSTEES: Chair, Dolf Wirsing dolfvtsohero@gmail.com Meetings are usually the 2nd Sunday each month after worship.

CHRISTIAN EDUCATION: Chair, Leslie Desrosiers. lddesrosi@comcast.net Board meetings are the 2nd Sunday of each month at 8a.m.

DEACONS: Chair, Gretchen Patterson. olddoug45@gmail.com

MISSIONS: Chair, Tim Bryan timbryan270@gmail.com with Barbara Purinton (co-chair) revbarbarapurinton@gmail.com Meetings are usually the first or second Monday of the month in the afternoon. Contact Tim or Barbara for confirmation.

Active Committees within our Church

  • Pastoral Search Committee Members
    • Susan Davis sdavisvt47@gmail.com
    • Tim Bryan timbryan270@gmail.com
    • Bob Krebs rck100@aol.com
    • Skip Brown sbrn135@gmail.com
    • Aimee Cochran aimeecochran@gmail.com
    • Carolyn McCray hollymac5@aol.com
    • Marguerite Althoff malthoff751@gmail.com
    • Aleks Lee aleksmarshalllee@gmail.com
  • Stewardship Committee
  • Investment Committee

Board Minute Repository

(Under Construction)