Malcolm Allen Gathering

Bonnie Allen will have a gathering, for her dad Malcolm Allen who recently died. Fellowship Hall on Saturday August 19th from 1-5pm

Special Guest – Rev. Paul Sangree

Sunday August 27th, Rev. Paul Sangree, Associate Conference Minister, will be joining us for worship. He is expected to talk about minister housing. Please stay after for fellowship and a brief meet and greet with him.

2023 CROP Walk

  10th Anniversary! 25% of funds raised stays local (Food for Thought, Champlain Islands Food Shelf) 75% is distributed in U.S. (example is the kits sent to Springfield) and around the globe for relief from hunger & food insecurities. We continue to fight against disease, disaster, displacement and other challenges that leave people hungry. CROP ... [Read more...]

Taizé returns to St. Paul’s Cathedral in Burlington

All are Welcome! Taizé, with its Meditation, Silence, Candlelight and “music that never ends” will again happen at St. Paul’s! Please share this post with friends, perhaps offering to bring them with you! Parking is FREE on Sundays...